
ProHeat heating elements

Panel heating, integrated into the partition system for office and administration areas

Built-in heating – energy-efficient radiant panel heating

The ProHeat heating element expands our partition wall systems by providing an innovative alternative to central heating systems in commercial buildings – independently of the technical building equipment or for remodelling work.

This is a panel heater with electrical elements that works according to the radiant heat principle. It has a low energy consumption and produces a comfortable indoor climate.

  • Energy-efficient radiant panel heating, integrated into the partition system for office and administration areas.
  • Does not require a specific building automation system infrastructure.
  • Ideal for remodelling projects.

Wear- and maintenance-free heating panels

Installation takes place alongside the assembly of the system partition walls and thus only occurs towards the end of the construction phase. Only the laying of the pipework and connections needs to be taken into account in the upstream planning. The ProHeat heating elements, which are integrated flush-mounted into the partition wall thanks to their minimal installation depth, are then connected directly during the partition wall assembly.

ProHeat heating elements are completely free from wear and maintenance and have a virtually unlimited service life. They have TÜV certification and are naturally ‘Made in Germany’.

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